Wednesday, November 28, 2012

5 Habits To Overcome Sadness

Count your blessings!
Start counting everything you think it’s something beautiful or positive for you that you actually have in your life. Be grateful for it! Gratitude is the most important feeling towards achieving a very positive state of mind and the beauty of it is that it gives you even more of those things you are grateful for. It multiplies! 

Focus on making the best of the present!
Live in the present moment! Transform every second of your life in a positive second. Wondering how to do that? It's very simple! Start doing the things YOU enjoy the most in your life and not the ones other people think are worth doing. Be yourself by exploring your interests and you will definitely find something worth living for! 

Pay yourself!
This is the most enjoyable one! Make time for your personal entertainment. Start considering yourself as a king/queen of your own universe where you can do whatever you want, at any time of the day! If you like movies for example like I do, go in the theaters or rent a movie and watch it in your house maybe with a bottle of Cola or a delicious pizza beside you :) Be aware of the things you like to do and go do them! Enjoy your life whenever you can! 

Change you inner critic in your inner coach!
Make sure you're friendly to yourself. People who do not appreciate themselves by thinking they're not good enough at something or that they suck at everything, are not the ones that succeed in life! On the other hand, those people who teach themselves how to embrace progress by staying positive at any time, can change their dark perspective into a brighter one! Then, success comes along :)

Fuel your mind with enthusiasm and passion!
Breathe passionately, eat passionately, talk passionately and that thing we call enthusiasm will become your best friend! If your doing something you don't like but you have to do it, start thinking of a different and positive way to do it. Therefore you can put into it all your amazing energy towards having good results. 

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